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The airborne complex ACRS-28 is installed onboard the aircraft AN-28 and comprised of the following sensing facilities:

  • a Ka-band SLAR with a 15-km swath (3000 m - flight altitude), a 10-m spatial resolution, a contrast-background sensitivity of 0,5 dB and a vertical polarisation;
  • an IR scanning radiometer "Malakhit-1" with a swath with of 3,4 H (of the flight altitude), a resolution of 1,7 milliradian and sensitivity of 0,1° K;
  • a multichannel trace videospectrometer "Kvarts-3102" with an operating range of 400 to 800 nm, the number of channel - 1000, the 0.03 sec - period of a single spectral measurement;
  • a videocamera.

Towards the end of 1998 this complex is expected to be additionally equipped with a L - band SAR having a 10-m spatial resolution, a 15-km swath and a complete set of polarisations of transmitted and received signals.



The ACRS-28 is intended to solve a wide range of remote sensing problems including:

  • operational monitoring of floods and underfloodings;
  • prompt detection of oil and other surfactant spilled out on the water surface;
  • efficient evaluation of ice conditions on the sea and inland water basins;
  • the search of broken-away ice floes and the rescue of personnel;
  • operational monitoring of large-scale fires;
  • prospecting of mineral resources and the search for different constructions;
  • evaluation of soil status (carrying-out of cadastral operations) and the vegetation cover;
  • detection the ships violating the maritime trade and industrial zones (to name but a few).



The ACRS-28 comparses favorably with other airborne remote sensing systems in the optimal combination of cheap but efficient radar, optical and IR facilities.





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© CRSE, April 1998